Americanline Pro Folding Knife c/w 6 blades

Americanline Pro Folding Knife c/w 6 blades   65-0203

Americanline Pro Wide blade scraper

Americanline Pro Wide blade scraper 65-0002

Americanline Single Edge Blades – 5 blades per tuck

Americanline 66-0407 Carbon steel Aluminum spine 0.009" 5 blades per tuck       Price is per tuck    

Americanline wide scraper blades

Americanline wide scraper blades 66-0454 5 blades per card

Ceramic Trimming blades x 2

2 x ceramic blades per tube To suit our Safety Cutter H033 001 n03

Circular chipper blade

1 blade Greenmech circular chipper. MADE IN SHEFFIELD 100mm x 16mm x 21mm Manufactured to OEM material, dimensional and hardness specifications. Reduce your costs, reduce your down time, improve your chip quality.

Concave blades in Plastic Box

Blade Dimension 60 x 19 x 0.64 mm thk

Forgrove 22B Scissor Knives

1 x upper and lower scissor To fit the Forgrove 22B / AMP Rose 22B / AM Packaging 22B Universal Twist Wrapper. Hardened, tempered and ground, our high quality, precision ground knives are produced specifically to give a long and trouble free, service life between...

Heavy Duty 3 Notch 5 Hole Blades

Blade Dimension 53 x 19 x 0.64 mm thk


  • [email protected]
  • Blades and Knives Direct
  • 312 - 314 Petre Street
  • S4 8LT
  • Co Reg 01035504